Sunday, October 2, 2011



I can see that there is a growing number of people that are judgmental, backbiters, gossipers, etc. Their gossiping, backbiting, and judgmental spirit is so bad, you can name any person that is on their gossiping list. And they can quote every bit of gossip about this person word for word and even add their own twists and spins to it (lying to make it more interesting). Some get so caught up into this their whole lives revolve around this. You cannot talk to them for 5 minutes before they will hijack the conversation and try and lead you into a judgmental argument. And they are such experts at it that most can draw you into it before you even realize what they have done.
Proverbs 16:28
"A fraudulent man sows strife: and a whisperer(gossiper) separates chief friends."

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